Almost all modern treatment and therapy methods generate image data that must be viewed or evaluated in context. In this context, the range of images that can be viewed together also increases. Individual modalities thus become less important, whereas the evaluation of the totality of all data, images and findings of a patient becomes more and more important.

This poses new challenges for the display chain.  Here a consistent and realistic representation has to be guaranteed.

But what does this mean for the different images?

Essentially, there are two parameters that can be adjusted according to the requirements - brightness and the gamma curve used.


The easiest parameter to change is the brightness. When viewing X-rays and diagnostic images, the maximum brightness is required to ensure optimal conditions for reporting. In other applications, however, this brightness can be disturbing, e.g. when viewing and entering texts.  From a technical point of view, it is easy to adjust the settings using different profiles or an activatable text mode, but it is not very user-friendly. There is a danger that the text mode will continue to be used, which would be highly questionable. The Auto-Text Mode provides a solution here - in this setting, the display automatically recognizes opened text windows and adjusts the display brightness accordingly to the application. This allows seamless switching between different applications. The optimum brightness is always maintained. Since the display itself detects the brightness, no manual setup or configuration is necessary.


Much more complex is the change in the area of the representation of color and grayscale images. Here it is about precise and correct rendering and the necessary calibration. The image data pass through a correction table in the display, which is created directly in the factory or generated by a calibration. Thus a precise representation is guaranteed.

The challenge now is to process color or grayscale images with other tables. For grayscale images a DICOM gamma must be ensured, for color images a gamma of 2.2 and a precise color representation. It is possible to make the setting via a preset, but this is certainly not a solution if different data are displayed at the same time. A part of the image would never be shown properly.

This is where Dynamic Gamma comes in. Dynamic Gamma decides on pixel basis which gamma is used for which pixel. This guarantees an optimal representation at the same time. The advantage of this solution is that it is integrated into the display and therefore neither a configuration nor the installation of additional tools is necessary. Dynamic Gamma only needs to be activated in the OSD.